Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Stay Quiet

There are moments that I just want to be around silence
Around soundless noises and muted screams
Around loud muffle and perhaps quietened wail
For my mind is crowded, in fact exhausted
And my soul is somehow dreary,
Detached from the euphoria that was once so melodious, poetic and rhythmical
That was yearned and required
Now it's a pastime
A selective circumvention
And I am a patient of selective mutism
For I will speak only when spoken to
I will wave only when I want to
And I will knock on your door only when I feel like it
Because the world is too noisy for me
The world alone
That includes you - the stranger, you - the friend and you - my thoughts


Friday, 2 October 2015

Reality Is...

Why didn't you leave?
I'm staying for the kids.
I want us to stay for the kids.

Why didn't you leave?
A divorce is not acceptable in our society.
And it shouldn't be the last resort.

Why didn't you leave?
Every marriage has its own struggle.
I don't want to give up on mine.

Why didn't you leave?
It shouldn't be too easy.
Nobody said it was easy.

Why didn't you leave?
He is my life.
And I'm his holy wedded wife.

Why didn't you leave?
I have nowhere to go.
I don't even know where to go.