Sunday 23 April 2017

Drifting Away

You make me write
I am a private person but you make me express my feelings
My poems were not as deep or as honest
Until you showed me yours
And told that it is okay to be vulnerable

And I was vulnerable with you
I opened up and shared my secrets with you
But I am still secretive
And you often wonder why

I miss the days I would spend waiting for your calls
And the nights I would dedicate to listen to your voice
And the once very early call you made when you were drunk

Often they wonder why I am still talking to you
And about you
Despite the distance and that we never met
And may never meet each other

Sometimes I hate your guts
But all they heard were compliments
You stimulated my mind
You showed me different perspectives
And you showed me your world
With words and through your voice and intense vibe

You were my best friend
But sometimes I wonder if you were real
If you were my imaginary best friend
A phase I never went through as a child

We went on road trips through Google Street View
It felt like I have known you forever
And on the sixth month or so
We made plans like long lost best friends do
I was looking forward to see you

I counted the days and nights patiently
But slowly things began to change
I went through a transition
I was once again unstable
And I could not talk to you

I often wondered why, myself
A few months down
And I think I know the answer
An answer that perhaps will draw you further away from me
If I ever tell you

So I chose to keep it to myself
And went back to my old nature
I am to remain private and secretive
As I slowly drift away from you

Drifting away, but on my mind
In my heart and on my skin
You were never gone